Student Extracurricular Activities » Student Government

Student Government

Middle School

Middle School Student Government currently has the following positions open:
Vice President
6th graders are not eligible to run for office.
In addition, Homebases in all grades will select one representative who can attend meetings and vote on issues. That representative will be responsible for presenting information from meetings to their Homebases, as well as bringing issues or concerns from their Homebases to the Student Government meetings.
Further, there will be specific committees that will be generated by the current officers and representatives.
The first student government meeting and elections will take place in early October.

Upper School

Current Titles:

Vice President
Social Committee Chair
Freshmen Representative (2 Freshman can hold this title)


  • Maintain an 80% (~B or ~3.0) and passing all classes, prior to and during, the duration of holding office.
  • Maintain a 90% attendance record prior to, and during, the duration of holding office.
  • Maintain a 90% on-time to school record prior to, and during the duration of holding office. (If requirement is not met, write to the SGO to explain why and discuss measures being taken)
  • Receive limited referrals based on behavioral infractions.
  • Represent Quest to Learn Core Values at ALL TIMES: Diversity, Responsibility, Possibility, Iteration, Leadership.


The major responsibilities of the SGO are mostly tO organize student-oriented events. However, we are trying to do more than that, exemplified by the Freshman Support Program that we are organizing this year. We also represent the student body when needed, such as in the School Leadership Team (SLT).

Elevator Pitch:

The Student Government Organization is a grand experiment, and with each failure we learn something. Our goal is to represent our diverse community and to solve any problems that one person alone can not solve. As our school grows, so do we, and we hope that we fail enough so that our subsequent student leaders can have the resources and knowledge to make Quest the best it can be.